The exhibit David Douglas: A Naturalist at Work commemorates the Northwest journeys and scientific contributions of the Scottish naturalist whose name is memorialized in the Douglas-fir.
Exhibition Venues
Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, Spokane, Washington: September 22, 2012 to August 25, 2013
Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma, Washington: September 21, 2013 to May 25, 2014
Exhibit Design, Production & Interpretation
Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture
Guest Curators
Jack & Claire Nisbet
Graphic Design
Judy Heggem-Davis
The Pendleton and Elisabeth Carey Miller Charitable Foundation
The Joel E. Ferris Foundation
Artifact Lenders
Dale Beeks; California State Library, Special Collections; EthnoTech; Kew Herbarium, Royal Botanical Gardens; Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture; Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe; Surveyors Historical Society; University of Puget Sound, Slater Museum; University of Washington, Allen Library Special Collections and Burke Museum; Washington State University: Conner Vertebrate Museum, Griffin Library Manuscripts & Special Collections, Owen Science Library and Ownbey Herbarium
Additional Support: Funding, Time, Expertise & Materials
Avista Corporation; B P Color; Tom & Susan Bristol; Pam Camp; Igor Carogodin; Dan Chadwick; Friends of Spokane House; Steve and Janet Funk; Patrick Hardesty; Harriet Huber; Lois Leonard; Brandt Muelken; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Pacific Steel and Recycling; Paintcrafters; Bill & Cheryl Papesh; Pressworks, Inc; Riverside State Park; Spokane Tribe Language Elders; Stuart Smith; Thick & Thin Lumber Co; U. S. Forest Service, Bend Seed Repository; Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission; V du V Winery; Webley Lumber; Roly & Julie Weinhandl; Steve Zender